Using tags to organise your contracts

January 2024's version of ContractHound brought you Tags.

Tags are a simple way to label a document. You can add as many tags as you like to a document and you can manage tags through the new Tags menu item on the left hand side.

Adding a tag

Click on any contract you have uploaded in the system to pull up the Contract preview page.

You will now see an Add Tags button at the top.

You will now see a box appear like the one below. You can start typing tags and click <ENTER> to add the tag name

In our example below, we have added the tags Agreement and 2024 to the contract.

Removing a tag from a contract

To remove a tag from a contract, simply click the X button beside the tag name on the contract

This will remove the tag immediately from the contract

The tag will remain created in the system. If you'd like to remove the tag from the system, see the next section

Removing a tag from the system

This requires Account Owner privileges

Click on the tags menu item on the left hand side menu

Click on the delete button beside the tag you want to remove

You can see the number of contracts this tag is associated with in the column labelled NUM CONTRACTS

You can delete all tags that are not used on any contract by clicking the Delete All Unused Tags button.

Searching for tags

You can search for tags by typing the tag name in to the search box at the top of every page

The name of the contract will show up, as well as the folder and the tag name applied

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